
2025 Golf Leagues at Woodcrest Golf Club

Typically golf leagues come to Woodcrest Golf Club fully formed with most of their participants already signed up. We will attempt to list all leagues that currently play at Woodcrest Golf Club and a contact name for people wishing to contact them about inclusion in their league. Golf League tee times and days that they play will be listed here by the time that they start their first week of play – typically the last week in April, or the first week in May, with a preceding practice week.

Click on the following link for information about leagues at Woodcrest Golf Club – League Information

If the golf leagues participating at Woodcrest Golf Club for the golf season wish to have their weekly results posted on our website, please contact us at info@woodcrestgolfclub.com and we will arrange for the information to be forwarded to your league secretary/handicap chairperson. Weekly golf league results can be sent in an email as an attachment in a variety of file formats generated by different golf league software programs.


F-M Gentlemen’s League – 5:00 PM until 6:00 PM

Monday Evening Couples League – 4:30 PM until 6:00 PM 


Woodcrest Tuesday Morning Seniors

8:30 AM Shotgun – May – Starting on the week’s prevailing side

8:00 AM Shotgun June – September – Starting on the week’s prevailing side.

Contact: John Bonura – 315-372-6532 or johnb31@twcny.rr.com

Riedl Memorial Golf League

5:00 PM until 6:00 PM – Starting on the week’s prevailing side.


Sullivan Golf League

1:00 PM until 6:00 PM – Starting on the week’s prevailing side. Currently, there are no open spots for this extremely popular men’s league, however, you can add your name to the waiting list.

Contact: John Bonura – 315-372-6532 or johnb31@twcny.rr.com

Stableford League

Weekly on September and October Wednesdays – Starting always on the back nine.


Thursday Morning Ladies League:

New Players Welcome!! This is a fun, stress-free 9-hole ladies’ golf league. Beginners, Casual, and Advance Lady players are welcome to join. Individual scoring only-no partner required! Contact Colleen Dwyer-Bonura at cdwyer@twcny.rr.com for more information or to sign up.

The play starts at 9:30 AM on the week’s prevailing side.

Stickley League

4:00 PM until 5:00 PM – Starting on the week’s prevailing side.

FM Sports Dads Golf League

5:00 PM until 6:00 PM – Starting on the week’s opposite side.


No leagues are currently scheduled.